您的位置:首页 > 策略游戏 > 我的世界Java版21w20a


  • 游戏大小:1.3GB
  • 游戏语言:简体中文
  • 运行环境: android
  • 游戏类型: 经典策略
  • 游戏版本:v1.17
  • 更新时间:2021/05/20 14:42:32
标签: 我的世界快照版 沙盒 冒险竞技 我的世界Java版本大全





Changes in 21w20a

21w20a 改动

Actually made Geodes rarer this time


GUI narration now includes position and usage of hovered or focused element


Tilling Rooted Dirt with a Hoe will now convert it into Dirt, and pop out a Hanging Roots item


Axolotls will now only play dead when in water


Llamas no longer spit at players in peaceful mode


Changes to the Caves & Cliffs Preview


Technical changes in 21w20a

21w20a 技术性改动

Added a new NBT tag for entities - “HasVisualFire” – which will cause any entity with this flag to visually appear on fire, even if they are not actually on fire

为实体加入了新的 NBT 标签 —— “HasVisualFire” —— 可以让即使没有着火的实体也能看起来着火了

Fixed bugs in 21w20a

21w20a 修复漏洞

SPX 大数据区块链深度学习人工智能响应式自动翻译™ 由以下志愿者提供支持:Lxazl5770、xuan_su、ETStareak、lakejason0、Ricolove、SPGoding

MC-610 - Grass / Flowers / Snow are placed incorrectly in newly created chunks

MC-610 - 高草丛/花/雪/树在区块生成时出现在不恰当的位置

MC-102220 - Barrier Blocks are not shown when “Show Invisible Blocks” is selected in Save Structure Blocks

MC-102220 - 在储存型结构方块中选择「显示隐形方块」时,屏障方块未被显示

MC-149777 - Crash when loading world: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when using Java 11 or above

MC-149777 - 使用Java 11或更旧版本加载世界会出现java.util.ConcurrentModificationException错误并使游戏崩溃

MC-172304 - Piglins, piglin brutes, hoglins, zoglins and axolotls can attack their own teammates

MC-172304 - 猪灵、猪灵蛮兵、疣猪兽、僵尸疣猪兽和美西螈会攻击同伴

MC-189535 - Catching a fish in a bucket on creative mode doesn’t give player new bucket

MC-189535 - 创造模式里用桶装鱼不会给予玩家新的桶

MC-191338 - Name color for Minecart with Command Block is incorrect

MC-191338 - 命令方块矿车的物品名颜色错误

MC-192591 - Name color for Structure Void is incorrect

MC-192591 - 结构空位的物品名颜色错误

MC-198200 - Crash when leaving out processors in a template pool: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive

MC-198200 - 在模板池设置中省略处理器设置会导致游戏崩溃:java.lang.Illegal ArgumentException: bound must be positive

MC-203712 - Amethyst Geodes cause floating water/lava to generate when intersecting water/lava caves/pools

MC-203712 - 紫晶洞生成在水/熔岩池内导致水/熔岩悬空

MC-203867 - Amethyst geodes can overwrite bedrock

MC-203867 - 紫晶洞生成时可以替代基岩

MC-204393 - Lava Cauldron emits redstone signal strength 1 instead of 3

MC-204393 - 装熔岩的炼药锅的红石信号强度为1而不是3

MC-204902 - Dirt paths are no longer compatible with the programmer art resource pack

MC-204902 - 草径不再与旧版材质资源包(Programmer Art Resourcepack)兼容

MC-205104 - Rideable mobs are not affected by powder snow’s freezing effect while being ridden

MC-205104 - 可骑乘生物在骑乘时不会被细雪冻伤

MC-205120 - Freezing hearts aren’t displayed properly in Programmer Art resource pack

MC-205120 - 冰冻状态下的生命值材质在加载旧版材质资源包(Programmer Art Resourcepack)时不能正确显示

MC-205250 - Amethyst geodes can generate in a stronghold and can potentially destroy the end portal frames

MC-205250 - 紫晶洞可以生成在要塞里并导致末地传送门被毁

MC-205680 - minecraft:location_check predicate floating point imprecision

MC-205680 - 战利品表谓词minecraft:location_check对坐标浮点数的处理在坐标值过大时存在精度问题

MC-206107 - Parrots sitting on shoulders do not freeze in powder snow

MC-206107 - 站在玩家肩膀上的鹦鹉不会被细雪冻伤

MC-206131 - Amethyst blocks are transparent / don’t conduct Redstone

MC-206131 - 紫水晶块是透明方块且不能传输红石信号

MC-206601 - Potion particles are showing when looking through spyglass

MC-206601 - 在使用望远镜观察时会显示药水粒子效果

MC-206839 - Pointed dripstones cause extreme durability damage to helmets

MC-206839 - 滴水石锥可以对头盔造成巨量的耐久度损伤

MC-207324 - Mobs and particles sometimes don’t fully render behind stained or tinted glass

MC-207324 - 生物和粒子有时在染色玻璃或遮光玻璃后不会完全渲染

MC-207366 - Trying to modify the world height of a world after it’s already been generated gives a null pointer exception

MC-207366 - 在世界已经生成后尝试修改其世界高度会造成 NPE

MC-208586 - Axolotls get stuck and spin constantly on top of lily pads

MC-208586 - 美西螈在睡莲顶部时会被困住并一直旋转

MC-208589 - Axolotls have a swimming animation (move their body up- and downwards) when on land

MC-208589 - 美西螈在陆地上时有游泳动画

MC-208601 - Axolotls do not avoid lava when pathfinding

MC-208601 - 美西螈寻路时不会避开熔岩

MC-208617 - Axolotls sometimes twitch rapidly when adjusting their rotation

MC-208617 - 美西螈在调整姿态时有时会急速抽搐

MC-208641 - Axolotl movement glitch on stairs

MC-208641 - 美西螈在台阶上出现移动问题

MC-208649 - Breeding axolotl with a bucket of tropical gives back a bucket instead of a water bucket

MC-208649 - 使用热带鱼桶繁育美西螈返还空桶

MC-208654 - Collecting an axolotl with a water bucket in creative mode replaces the original bucket

MC-208654 - 在创造模式中用水桶装美西螈会取代原有的水桶

MC-208675 - Axolotls sometimes use walking animation when in shallow water

MC-208675 - 美西螈在浅水区有时会使用步行动画

MC-208682 - Axolotls frequently get stuck inside of waterlogged blocks

MC-208682 - 美西螈经常被困在含水方块里

MC-208691 - Axolotls play dead even when they take damage without being attacked by an entity

MC-208691 - 美西螈在受到来自非实体的伤害时仍会装死

MC-208735 - Axolotls attempt to pathfind towards unreachable water, then start spinning, eventually drying out and dying

MC-208735 - 美西螈尝试移动至不能触及的水源,从而导致其旋转并最后死于干涸

MC-209324 - Pointed Dripstone can be broken with tridents in spawn protection

MC-209324 - 在出生地保护区内的滴水石锥可被三叉戟破坏

MC-212125 - Only one glow lichen drops when using shears on multiple in a single block space

MC-212125 - 在一格空间内使用剪刀采集发光地衣只会掉落其中一个

MC-212531 - Shulkers can rotate their heads up and down

MC-212531 - 潜影贝可以上下转动它的头部

MC-212931 - Fire extinguishing sound doesn’t play when mobs are extinguished with rain/water

MC-212931 - 生物在雨中或水中熄灭身上火焰时不会播放火焰熄灭的音效

MC-214041 - Mob can’t properly or difficult walk on big dripleaf, when the big dripleaf is 4 blocks or more from the ground

MC-214041 - 生物不能步行走过四格高的大型垂滴叶

MC-214909 - Top half of a small dripleaf can turn into a ghost block when placing it in water while the water is being removed

MC-214909 - 小型垂滴叶放置在水中然后将水移除后它的上半部分会变成幽灵方块

MC-215665 - Amethyst Geodes can overlap with dungeons

MC-215665 - 紫晶洞可以覆盖地牢生成

MC-216214 - netherrack_replace_blobs with water as target crashes the game

MC-216214 - 使用 “ netherrack_replace_blobs ” 替换水方块进行自定义世界生成会导致游戏崩溃

MC-216980 - Comma splices in two source strings (EN_US)

MC-216980 - EN_US里两个字符串使用了逗号分隔而不是分号或句号

MC-217113 - Foxes spawned inside of powder snow sleeps

MC-217113 - 生成在细雪内的狐狸会睡觉

MC-217608 - The big dripleaf texture is not vertically centered

MC-217608 - 大型垂滴叶的材质没有垂直居中

MC-217742 - Campfires and TNT can be lit by players using arrows shot from flame bows in spawn protection

MC-217742 - 在出生地保护区内的营火和TNT可以被玩家使用着火的箭点燃

MC-219856 - F3 + L isn’t sorted alphabetically in the debug screen

MC-219856 - F3 + L 的信息没有按字母排序

MC-219870 - The Mojang loading screen upon start up flashes black

MC-219870 - 启动游戏时的 Mojang 加载界面有一瞬的全黑现象

MC-220063 - Sweet berries and glow berries sound events are named extremely differently

MC-220063 - 甜浆果和发光浆果的声音事件命名差异过大

MC-220128 - Parity Issue: Rooted dirt won’t turn into the dirt and drop roots item after tilling with hoe in Java

MC-220128 - 待同步特性:Java版里对着缠根泥土使用锄不会使之变成泥土并掉落垂根

MC-220694 - Name color for knowledge book is incorrect

MC-220694 - 知识之书的名称颜色不正确

MC-220867 - Fossils can generate through bedrock

MC-220867 - 化石可以穿过基岩生成

MC-221566 - Name color for light is incorrect

MC-221566 - 光源方块的名称颜色不正确

MC-221694 - Strays do not spawn in powder snow

MC-221694 - 流浪者不会生成在细雪里

MC-221833 - Light blocks are not shown within structure block bounds with Show Invisible Blocks on

MC-221833 - 光源方块不会在结构方块的结构预览里显示

MC-221863 - Powder Snow can be broken by players on fire in spawn protection

MC-221863 - 出生地保护区内的细雪可以被着火的玩家破坏

MC-221984 - Collecting an axolotl in a bucket and then placing it resets its kill cooldown

MC-221984 - 用桶装起美西螈然后释放它会重置它的攻击冷却时间

MC-222002 - Light item displays the wrong level number

MC-222002 - 光源方块的亮度等级显示不正确

MC-222116 - Splash water bottles doesn’t extinguish candle cakes

MC-222116 - 喷溅水瓶不能用来浇灭蛋糕上点燃的蜡烛

MC-222797 - Axolotl can be bred with just tropical fish items, not just bucket ones

MC-222797 - 美西螈可以使用热带鱼繁殖(而不是热带鱼桶)

MC-223322 - Chorus flowers can be broken with projectiles in spawn protection

MC-223322 - 出生地保护区内的紫颂花可以被弹射物射落

MC-223372 - You can decrease the level of a water or powder snow cauldron, through the use of an entity on fire in spawn protection

MC-223372 - 出生地保护区内着火的实体可以减少炼药锅内水或细雪的容量

MC-224320 - minecraft.used:minecraft.potion doesn’t increase when filling a partially filled cauldron with a water bottle

MC-224320 - 记分项minecraft.used:minecraft.potion在使用水瓶填充装水的炼药锅时不会增加

MC-224322 - Powder snow can create ghost blocks in creative mode

MC-224322 - 创造模式下细雪能制造幽灵方块

MC-224480 - Powder snow doesn’t melt into water in cauldrons

MC-224480 - 炼药锅内的细雪不会融化成水

MC-224482 - Superflat presets no longer generate with decorations

MC-224482 - 超平坦预设下即使打开生成建筑选项依旧不会生成建筑

MC-225078 - Upgrading from 1.12.2 and below will cause items to lose enchantments

MC-225078 - 从 1.12.2 及以下版本继承的存档中物品的附魔会丢失

MC-225253 - Dying in a nether portal softlocks the player on the “You Died!” menu

MC-225253 - 在下界传送门内死亡会导致游戏界面被软锁在“你死了!”画面

MC-225347 - cave_vines_plant isn’t in #bee_growables

MC-225347 - 洞穴藤蔓植物未被列入方块标签#bee_growables

MC-225352 - Geodes have not been made “significantly rarer”

MC-225352 - 紫晶洞的生成频率并没有“显著变小”

MC-225360 - Cannot resolve SRV records: unknown host

MC-225360 - 无法解析使用SRV记录的服务器域名






1、 玩家可以自由展开体验,绘画风格非常漂亮精美,还原逼真;

2、 游戏中会根据一些任务,需要你来进行完成,并且还有一些的奖励会赠送给玩家;

3、 你还要很多的梦想没有实现,你会在这一百天内,去一一的完成还是虚度光阴呢。











高自由度的沙盒游戏 我的世界Java版本大全 腾讯沙盒类手游 像素风沙盒游戏



