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  • 游戏大小:30.55M
  • 游戏语言:简体中文
  • 运行环境: android
  • 游戏类型: 经典策略
  • 游戏版本:v1.17.0.56
  • 更新时间:2021/05/14 11:27:21
标签: 我的世界快照版 开放世界 模拟经营





Changes in 21w19a


The maximum length of item names in the anvil UI has been increased from 35 to 50


Made geodes significantly rarer


Unfinished items (Sculk Sensor, Bundles, and Candles) have been removed from the creative inventory

未完成的物品 (潜声传感器、收纳袋和蜡烛) 已经从创造模式物品栏中被移除

Recipes for unfinished items (Bundles, Candles) have been removed

未完成物品的合成配方 (收纳袋,蜡烛) 已经被移除

Changes to the Caves & Cliffs Preview


The pack now includes recipes related to bundles and candles


Technical changes in 21w19a


Upgraded to Java 16

已升级至 Java 16

Added mineable/axe, mineable/hoe, mineable/pickaxe and mineable/shovel block tags. Blocks with these tags can be destroyed more quickly with the matching tool.

添加了 mineable/axe, mineable/hoe, mineable/pickaxe 和 mineable/shovel 方块标签。具有这些标签的方块用对应的工具挖掘速度会更快。

Added needs_stone_tool, needs_iron_tool and needs_diamond_tool block tags. If a block requires the correct tool to drop, these tags determine which tier of that tool is required.

添加了 needs_stone_tool, needs_iron_tool 和 needs_diamond_tool 方块标签。如果一个方块需要使用正确的工具才能掉落,则这些标签用于确定需要的工具等级。

Changed the syntax of the /item command

修改了 /item 命令的语法。

Java 16

Java 16

Minecraft now uses a more recent version of Java. If you are using a default setup the Launcher will download and install the correct version. If you are using a custom Java setup or a third-party launcher, you will need to ensure that your Java installation is version 16 or above.

Minecraft现在使用Java的最新版本。如果你使用的是默认设置,则正版启动器将自动下载并安装正确的版本。如果你使用的是自定义Java设置或者第三方启动器,则必须确保你安装了Java 16或者更新的版本。

Item command

Item 命令

New syntax:


/item replacewith[] - same as old replaceitem

/item replacewith[] - 与旧语法相同

/item replacefrom[] - copies item for source to target(s), optionally applying modifier

/item replacefrom[] - 从来源复制物品到目标(们)时,可以选择使用修饰符

/item modify- modifies item (without copying)

/item modify- 只修饰物品 (但不复制)

For example, /item replace block ~ ~ ~ container.0 from entity @s enderchest.0 will copy first item from player’s enderchest to first slot of container player is currently standing on.

举个例子, /item replace block ~ ~ ~ container.0 from entity @s enderchest.0 会将玩家的末影箱中第一个栏位中的物品复制到玩家所处位置的容器的第一个栏位中

Fixed bugs in 21w19a


MC-105080 - Ender Dragon is respawned if all Exit End Portal blocks are removed / legacy scanning is done for worlds with new dragon fight

MC-105080 - 末影龙在所有出口型末地折跃门方块被移除时重生/即使存档内的末地已被更新,旧的检测机制也依然生效

MC-136647 - Leads don’t work with Squids

MC-136647 - 不能对鱿鱼使用拴绳

MC-200009 - Crash when using a non-mushroom block in a huge mushroom feature’s cap

MC-200009 - 在巨型蘑菇地物的菌盖部分使用非蘑菇方块会导致游戏崩溃

MC-203606 - “X Candle Cake” should be “Cake with X Candle”

MC-203606 - 插上蜡烛的蛋糕的英语原文表意不清

MC-203718 - Lightning rod stays activated when struck by lighting at the same time as being moved by a piston

MC-203718 - 避雷针在被闪电击中的同时被活塞移动会导致避雷针一直处于激活状态

MC-203757 - Anvil character limit is too low for items with long names

MC-203757 - 对于名称很长的物品来说,铁砧的字符上限太小了

MC-204244 - Sheep are rendered like white sheared sheep through tinted glass blocks

MC-204244 - 透过遮光玻璃,绵羊被渲染成白色剪过毛的样子

MC-205626 - The command syntax order of /item is inconsistent

MC-205626 - /item 命令的语法与其他类似命令不一致

MC-208663 - Pufferfish don’t defend themselves from axolotls

MC-208663 - 河豚不会在美西螈靠近时膨胀

MC-208740 - Withers attack axolotls that are playing dead

MC-208740 - 凋零攻击装死的美西螈

MC-209533 - Amethyst shard is not grouped with other gemstones in the Creative inventory

MC-209533 - 紫水晶碎片在创造模式物品栏内与其他宝石类物品不在一起

MC-212206 - Shulkers generating outside the world border bug out when trying to spawn

MC-212206 - 在世界边界尝试生成末地结构会导致潜影贝生成于边界外

MC-213774 - Hanging roots float in your hand

MC-213774 - 拿在手上的垂根是悬浮的

MC-213922 - Shulkers are not spawned in the correct place

MC-213922 - 潜影贝未生成于正确的位置

MC-213943 - Flying slightly above a big dripleaf can cause it to tilt without touching it

MC-213943 - 即使没有直接接触,飞行于大型垂滴叶之上仍会导致其倾斜

MC-214127 - Despite being a type of berry plant, bees don’t pollinate cave vines

MC-214127 - 蜜蜂不会为洞穴藤蔓授粉,尽管洞穴藤蔓算一种莓类植物

MC-214220 - Items in water streams don’t fall from big dripleaves, but constantly try

MC-214220 - 水流中的物品不会从大型垂滴叶上掉落,但会不断尝试掉落这个行为

MC-214283 - Hanging roots break sound event uses break3 twice, excluding break4

MC-214283 - 垂根方块被破坏的音效事件两次调用 ‘break3’,但是没有调用 ‘break4’

MC-217626 - Spore blossom is positioned rather strangely among flowers in Creative

MC-217626 - 孢子花在创造模式物品栏内的位置相较于其他花来说比较奇怪

MC-219445 - Bonemealing big dripleaf in flowing water doesn’t update the water

MC-219445 - 对水流中的垂滴叶使用骨粉不会使水流更新

MC-219873 - Lightning Bolt detecting lightning rod incorrectly

MC-219873 - 闪电未能正确检测避雷针

MC-220106 - Lightning hitting an entity on copper slabs on top another copper block fully cleans the bottom block first

MC-220106 - 闪电在击中位于任意铜类方块上叠放的铜台阶之上的实体时,会首先除锈下方的铜类方块。

MC-220215 - Opening a shulker box while an entity is standing on top of it pushes it too high for a short amount of time

MC-220215 - 打开潜影盒会在短时间内将站其上的实体推得比往常更高

MC-221309 - Experience orbs produce particles whilst moving through powder snow

MC-221309 - 经验球在穿过细雪的时候产生粒子效果

MC-221756 - Snow particles do not render at all when the block light level is 7 or more

MC-221756 - 在亮度大于等于7时,不会渲染全部的雪粒子

MC-221844 - Powder snow doesn’t produce particles when broken by burning mobs

MC-221844 - 细雪在被燃烧的非玩家生物破坏时不产生粒子效果

MC-221957 - Pick Block used on a level 15 light block returns a different item from the default light block

MC-221957 - 对光照等级为15的光源方块使用选取方块功能返回的物品与默认的光源方块物品不同

MC-222738 - Leads don’t work with Glow Squids

MC-222738 - 不能对发光鱿鱼使用拴绳

MC-222882 - Spyglass in Search tab of creative inventory is mixed with block types instead of tools where it belongs

MC-222882 - 于搜索选项卡内的望远镜与其他方块而非其所属的工具类物品混在一起

MC-223132 - Powder snow doesn’t produce a breaking sound or subtitle, when destroyed through extinguishing a burning player, mob, or flame arrow

MC-223132 - 在细雪因熄灭燃烧的玩家、实体或箭矢而被摧毁时,不播放对应的音效与显示提示字幕

MC-223171 - Budding Amethyst and Copper variants are far away in the creative inventory

MC-223171 - 紫水晶母岩与铜系列物品在创造模式物品栏内的位置不合理

MC-223227 - Floating water caves in caves under the ocean

MC-223227 - 含水洞穴的水体在普通洞穴中呈悬浮状态

MC-223446 - Shulkers appear in the wrong place when riding an entity

MC-223446 - 在骑乘于其他实体上时,潜影贝出现在错误的位置

MC-223820 - Azalea & Flowering Azalea aren’t part of the block or item tags for #saplings

MC-223820 - 杜鹃花丛与盛开的杜鹃花丛不属于方块/物品标签 #saplings

MC-223907 - Moss block appears in the #lush_ground_replaceable.json twice

MC-223907 - 苔藓块在标签#lush_ground_replaceable对应的json文件中出现了两次

MC-224322 - Powder snow can create ghost blocks in creative mode

MC-224322 - 创造模式下细雪能制造幽灵方块

MC-224325 - minecraft.used:minecraft.COMPOSTABLE_ITEM doesn’t increase when placing an item into a composter

MC-224325 - minecraft.used:minecraft.<可堆肥物品>在将物品放入堆肥桶时不增加

MC-224388 - Ores and raw materials in smelting preview are off center

MC-224388 - 矿石和粗金属在熔炼预览中偏离了中心

MC-224389 - Copper Ingots are no longer grouped in the crafting table

MC-224389 - 铜锭相关合成在工作台界面内未分组显示

MC-224927 - Infested blocks take twice as long instead of half the time

MC-224927 - 被蛀蚀的方块需要两倍长的时间去破坏而非预期的一半的时间

MC-224972 - Infested blocks have no effective tool

MC-224972 - 被蛀蚀的方块没有最适挖掘工具

MC-225025 - Server side performance drop with dragon’s breath area effect clouds

MC-225025 - 与龙息区域效果云相关的服务器端性能下降问题


1、 大型沙盒世界,自由探索冒险,去激战世界,奖励丰厚;

2、 畅爽刺激的生存对决,可以结识朋友,组队战斗,挑战难题;

3、 无比精彩欢乐的游戏过程,随意打造全新世界,体验更多欢乐。















打发时间的经营类游戏 模拟经营小镇类游戏 手机大型开放世界游戏 中国风模拟经营游戏



